Arc de Triomphe

After we mastered the subway system in Paris (including the French speaking ticket machines), we made our way up Champs Elysees to the Arc de Triomphe. Quick history lesson: this is one of the famous arcs built by Napoleon to honor those who fought and died in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars.
As you can see the arc is massive and when viewed from afar looks like its much closer than it is. At any rate, we started walking towards it (very ambitious) because I was convinced it wasn't that far, and then I conceded and realized it was a bad idea and we hopped on the subway.

Beautiful view from the front of the monument

As if we hadn't already walked enough, I decided it was a good idea to walk to the very top of the arc in order to get some of the best views of Paris! It was a long 284 steps up with a couple 'breathers' along the way and then we had to turn around and walk back down them as well.

Beautiful view from the top

We tried (probably 15 times) to get the Eiffel Tower in the background of our picture from the top of the arc, but this was the best we could come up with...and you still can't see the Eiffel Tower.

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