Traveling to Aix...this is no NJ Tranist

Our time in Paris has come to an end and we are now heading to a town in Southern France called Aix-en-Provence. This was our first encounter with French public transportation (outside of the train ride from the airport to Paris city center), so we weren't exactly sure what was going to happen.  The cool part about the Gare de Lyon train station is that it is open air...kind of remins me of the one in Harry Potter!
Found our train on the schedule...check! Wating for the track #

Finally found our train...but then we weren't exactly sure how it worked from there. Not to mention, trying to drag two 50lb suitcases onto a train is not the easiest thing to accomplish when you have hundreds of other passengers hurrying past you trying to snag a seat. We asked one of the train conductors if we were in the right car and he just nodded (not sure he actually understood what we were asking) and then once we got settled in our four-seater with a table in the middle we realized that everyone was looking at the seat numbers on the wall as if there were assigned seats. We then realized we definitely were not in the right seats and just crossed our fingers that we weren't in someone else's seat who would later kick us out. Luckily no one confronted us and we enjoyed a beautiful 3hr train ride thru rural France to our next destination (let's be honest, I didn't enjoy anything....I fell asleep almost immediately!)

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