Parisian Breakfast...not your typical NYC brunch

Tuesday marked the first opportunity for us to have a true Parisan breakfast. After asking for a recommendation from the Concierge (which of course the first one was the hotel restaurant), we walked right around the corner to a cafe that had no more than four people in it - I guess that makes sense since it was a workday!

We were surprised this was the "best breakfast" recommendation from the hotel since there were only THREE options on the menu! In the picture below you can see two of them...on the right, John got the "American" breakfast (typical...) which has ham, eggs, salad, and a pancake...I got the Parisian breakfast which definitely exceeded my daily carb allowance: half a baguette, croissant with jam, and a fruit cup.

The best part of eating at cafes in Paris is how the tables are perfectly situated for people watching.  Two person tables have the seats side by side and you look out at the Street and enjoy watching everyone walk by (or the crazy scooters drive by)!

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