Nighttime in Paris

Per the recommendation of a true Parisian, my roommate Jen, we had dinner at Georges on top of Musee Pompidou (modern art museum) and took in some pretty spectacular views of Paris on our first night out on the town.

This also marks our first encounter with ordering off an all-French menu. John didn't exactly know what he was getting himself into when he ordered some fruity drink by accident - although he will admit it was delicious!

Yes, we were THOSE people and asked our waiter to take a picture of us...

I attempted to walk in heels, but my feet had enough! This picture was taken after I went into the "Out of Service" ladies room where there were no lights in the stall. I still managed to find my way around...I really had to pee!

Time to head back to the hotel...not your everyday escalator ride...

 A pretty picture from the walk home...

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