Inner Tourist Unleashed

On our walk from the hotel to our first destination, we encountered one of the most beautiful sights in Paris...the Seine River. Somewhat reminiscent of Chicago (although I've only been there maybe twice), the Seine River runs directly thru the center of the city and a multitude of bridges allow for beautiful views of the city, especially when the weather was as beautiful as it was when we arrived.

First stop...the Louvre!

Since we knew the entire museum would be in French, we decided the best thing to do was to cough up the 5€ and get the English audio guide.  Unfortunately neither John nor myself were ever big "gamers" and haven't the slightest clue how to use a Nintendo 3DS, but we eventually figured it out by looking over the shoulder of a couple random 11 year old kids.

Directly outside the Louvre is a massive garden called Jardin des Tuileries

At the end of Jardin des Tuileries is Place de la Concorde - one of the largest and most popular public squares in Paris. Here we saw the Obelisk of Luxor and the Fountain of River Commerce and Navigation.

This was also the first time we saw the Eiffel Tower...

Looks much smaller in this picture.  We are starting to get the hang of taking pictures of ourselves.  Still haven't figured out how to say "Can you please take a picture of us?" in French.

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